Title: face, fingers, feet
Composer: Joe Raposo / John Boni
Lead vocals: Hattie Winston
Backing vocals: none
Scene: Hattie’s disembodied head, hands, and feet, presented via chroma-key.
[HW] My face, my fingers, my feet.
They all begin with “fffff”.
One face for every boy and girl. Ten fingers, that’s a lot.
Two feet to keep us standing up. Two feet is all we got.
Face, fingers, feet.
A “fffff” begins each word.
It shows me who I am.
My fingers count to ten, and then my feet are there again,
To take me everywhere, and then to bring me back again.
Face, fingers, feet.
I’m glad I got a face. The same for all my fingers.
I always cheer for both my feet, because they’re real humdingers.
My face, my fingers, my feet.
Look for the “fffff” in front.
You’ll find that “fffff” in all these words. They’re there for you to see.
And while you’re lookin, can you tell me where,
Just where I’ll find the rest of me?
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