Title: everyone has pain
Official title: everyone's got a pain
Composer: Joe Raposo / Tom Dunsmuir
Lead vocals: Morgan Freeman, Lee Chamberlin
Backing vocals: Skip Hinnant
Scene: Skip as a whiny, slightly injured football player at a doctor’s office, with Morgan as the doctor and Lee as the nurse.
[MF] Every track has a train.
Every sink has a drain.
Every cloud has some rain,
And everyone has a pain.
So what do you really gain?
It makes no sense to complain.
From purple mountain to the fruited plain,
Everyone has pain.
[LC] Every boat has a chain.
Every bib has a stain.
Every globe has a Spain,
And everyone has a pain.
[MF, LC] So what do you really gain?
It makes no sense to complain.
From purple mountain to fruited plain,
Everyone has pain.
[MF, LC, SH] So what do you really gain?
It makes no sense to complain.
From purple mountain to the fruited plain,
Everyone has pain.
Everyone has pain.
Everyone has pain.
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