Title: I love the wind
Official title: song of the wind
Composer: Joe Raposo / John Boni
Lead vocals: Skip Hinnant
Backing vocals: none
Scene: Skip as an outdoorsman, relishing a stiff breeze.
[SH] Some people like the thunder.
Some like the rain and snow.
But I love the wind, the mighty wind,
Whenever it does blow.
It whistles through the canyons.
It knocks me off my feet.
But I love the wind, the mighty wind,
And I think wind is neat.
I love the wind. It whips me all the day.
It even comes by evening, and blows my things away.
(That’s not its strong point.)
I love it when it’s blowing.
I love to hear the roar.
Yes, I love the wind, the mighty wind,
But I’ll say one thing more:
I hope someday, someone will tell me
What the wind is for.
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