Title: sweet sweet sway
Composer: Joe Raposo
Lead vocals: Denise Nickerson
Backing vocals: Short Circus #2
Scene: The kids (mainly the girls) performing for an in-house audience, some of whom join them on stage near the end.
[DN] Oh, everybody take a trip today
About the dance that’s gonna come your way.
Stop what you’re doing here, and listen to me.
It’s moving faster than a raging sea.
Let’s do it.
[SC] The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
[DN] Do it all day.
Just snap your fingers now, and watch my beat.
A-sway all over from head to feet.
Just dance a little and dance for a while.
You’re gonna never be without a smile.
Oh, momma.
[SC] Now, sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
[DN] Do it all day.
[SC] The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
The sweet sweet sway. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na.
Na-na-na-na, na, na-na. Na-na-na-na, na, na-na, na, na!
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