Title: Finch and Dench
Composer: Tom Lehrer
Lead vocals: Rita Moreno
Backing vocals: none
Scene: Rita in a corner, describing an early-1900’s-looking courtship between Luis Avalos and Judy Graubart.
[RM] Frederick Finch never would flinch.
Even in a pinch, never gave an inch.
Everything was a cinch
For Freddie Finch, Finch, Fin-dee-dinch.
Deborah Dench. What a cool wench!
Sitting on a bench, she would often clench
A book that was all in French,
Did Debbie Dench, Dench, Den-dee-dench.
Finch saw Dench reading her French.
Thought he’d try to wrench Debbie from her bench.
He invited her to munch
A little lunch, lunch, lun-dee-dunch.
He brought a bunch of flowers to lunch.
She was pleased as punch, and I have a hunch
The two of them are now in a clinch:
Dench and Finch, Finch, Fin-dee-dinch.
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