Title: that's "tion"
Composer: Joe Raposo
Lead vocals: Morgan Freeman, Lee Chamberlin
Backing vocals: none
Scene: At Vi's diner with Easy Reader and Vi.
[MF] A-you can see it right here in action.
Find it in satisfaction.
A-baby, this is the main attraction.
A- "T" "I" "O" "N". That's "tion".
[LC] Now you've called it to my attention,
So I guess I will have to mention
That I think it's a strange invention.
A- "T" "I" "O" "N". A-that's "tion".
[MF] Advise (?) my ambition to be in good condition.
[LC] I've got myself a notion to give me a promotion.
[MF] If you have no objections, I'll read a small selection.
[LC] I need some recreation, or maybe a vacation.
[MF, LC] You find it in revolution.
You can see it in air pollution.
And it's right in the Constitution.
A- "T" "I" "O" "N". A-that's "tion".
So when every old thing is said and done,
A- "T" "I" "O" "N". A-that's "tion".
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