Title: cabbage and lettuce
Composer: Joe Raposo ?
Lead vocals: Luis Avalos
Backing vocals:
Scene: A chef is fired after having made lettuce soup and a bacon-cabbage-tomato sandwich.
[LA] I can never tell a cabbage from a
And I don't think that I ought to get the blame.
Though I never thought an orange was an onion,
The cabbage and the lettuce look the same.
Oh, the cabbage and the lettuce confuse me.
Though I try to call each by its name,
(lyrics missing here)
Cucumber, ?????, and parsley
Are different, and difficult to switch.
But when two things have leaves that are green,
It's hard to think that I could tell which is which.
Cabbage...? Lettuce...?
Lettuce...? Cabbage…?
I can never tell which one is which.
I can never tell a cabbage from a lettuce.
I keep losing jobs. It really is a shame,
Because the first time that I saw them as a
The cabbage and the lettuce looked the same.
(spoken to cabbage and lettuce sitting on counter: )
So long, whoever you are!
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