Title: shy Sheldon
Composer: Joe Raposo / Tom Dunsmuir
Lead vocals: Lee Chamberlin, Morgan Freeman
Backing vocals:
Scene: Morgan and Lee as two turtles.
[LC] Shy Sheldon, come out of your shell,
And share your life with Sherry.
Don't sit in the shadows, and shiver and shake.
Shy Sheldon, come out of your shell.
Shy Sheldon, come out of your shell,
And share your life with Sherry.
We'll hug in the sunshine; hold hands in the shade.
Shy Sheldon, come out of your shell, your shell.
Shy Sheldon, come out of your shell.
[MF] Uh, Sherry?
[LC] Yes, Sheldon?
[MF] Uh,… I’m not shy anymore.
[MF, LC] Shy Sheldon’s not shy.
Shy Sheldon’s not shy.
Shy Sheldon’s not shy anymore.
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