Title: sundae
Composer: Joe Raposo ?
Lead vocals: Hattie Winston
Backing vocals: June Angela, Gregg Burge
Scene: Hattie, June, and Gregg, chroma-keyed around a giant tasty treat.
[JA, GB] Chocolate sundae!
Butterscotch sundae!
Strawberry sundae!
[HW] There is nothin’ I like better than a sundae.
Than a sundae.
[JA, GB] Than a sun, sun, sundae.
[HW] One thing that makes any day a fun day.
It’s a sundae for me.
[GB] And me!
[JA] And me!
[HW] If there’s one thing sure to please me, it’s a sundae.
It’s a sundae.
[JA, GB] It’s a sun, sun, sundae.
[HW] One thing guarantees a number one day.
It’s a sundae for three.
[GB] Or four!
[JA] Or nine!
[HW] A sundae topped with peaches
Would start me givin’ speeches.
Or covered with bananas
Will make me sing Hosannas.
A sundae served with syrup
Is sure to make me cheer up.
A sundae cone with custard,
Enough to bust, or mustard,
Or mayonnaise or mangoes,
And I’ll be dancing tangos.
I envy him who eats a
Sundae topped with pizza.
And what will come up one day?
A sundae on a sundae.
[JA, GB] A sundae on a sundae!
[HW] There is nothing I can go for like a sundae.
Like a sundae.
[JA, GB] Like a sun, sun, sundae.
[HW] One day I may even eat a ton. Maybe
Today is the day!
[JA, GB] Today may be her sundae day.
[JA, GB] Today may be her sundae day.
[JA, GB] Today may be her sundae day…
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