Title:  un-day


Composer:  Joe Raposo / Elaine Laron


Lead vocals:  Lee Chamberlin

Backing vocals:  none


Scene:  Lee imagining dancing around on an empty stage in a flowing gown.



[LC]  Now, the first thing in the morning, I would unget out of bed.

And after I had ungot up enough,

I would keep myself unbusy, and spend the day instead

Just unworking on a lot of different stuff.


I’d unthink about my troubles while unpaying all my bills.

As for moving, I’d be very uninclined.

I’d ungo a lot of places, and unclimb a lot of hills,

And I sure would be unweary in my mind.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Ooh, yeah, I’d smile

If I only had an un-day, one once in a while.


(skat syllables)

How I’d smile

If I only had an un-day one one once in a while.



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