Title: I wish I didn’t have to wash
Composer: Joe Raposo ?
Lead vocals: Stephen Gustafson
Backing vocals: none
Scene: Stephen taking a bath under protest.
[SG] When the water starts to gush,
And I see that prickly brush,
I wish I didn’t have to wash.
I wish I didn’t have to wash.
Though I know I don’t smell fresh,
Still there’s goose bumps on my flesh
When my mom tells me to wash.
I wish I didn’t have to wash.
If I could have my wish,
The soap would stay right in its dish.
I’d rather take out all the trash
Than have to stay in here and splash, splash, splash.
Although I know it’s babyish
To wish that I could be a fish,
But then I wouldn’t have to wash.
I would never have to wash.
Bath time is so wishy-washy
When the soap gets squishy-squashy.
I wish I didn’t have to wash.
Oh, gosh, I wish I didn’t have to wash.
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