Title: trying to live in a trumpet
Composer: Joe Raposo ?
Lead vocals: Luis Avalos
Backing vocals: none
Scene: Luis chroma-keyed as a mouse sitting inside the bell of a trumpet.
[LA] Trying to live in a trumpet
Isn’t so easy, you know.
But when you are a mouse
In need of a house,
You try, for there’s nowhere to go.
Trying to live in a trumpet
Often is noisy, I fear.
But when you are a tramp,
You must often make camp
In a place that’s a pain in the ear.
I’ve tracked and tracked along the trail.
I’ve traveled far and wide.
But tricks and traps are everywhere,
And so I’ve learned to hide.
Yes, trying to live in a trumpet
Is often so bad. That I’ve known.
But I really can’t curse,
‘Cause my friend has it worse.
She’s trying it in a trombone!
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