Title: an “e” on the end – "u" version
Composer: Joe Raposo / Elaine Laron
Lead vocals: Rita Moreno
Backing vocals: Short Circus #1
Scene: Rita’s head and the kids on stage, sharing the screen via chroma-key.
[RM] An “e” on the end is open and shut.
If it’s there, you say “cute”. If it isn’t, say “cut”.
If it’s there, you say “cube”. If it isn’t, say “cub”.
If it’s there, you say “tube”. If it isn’t, say “tub”.
If it’s there, you say “dude”. If it isn’t, say “dud”.
If it’s there, you say “crude”. If it isn’t, say “crud”.
[SC] It’s absolutely simple, my friend.
A “cut” can be “cute” with an “e” on the end.
[JA] Now this word is “cub”, so this word is…
[DG] Now this word is “tub”, so this word is…
[MH] Now this word is “dude”, so this word is…
[IC] Now this word is “crude”, so this word is… (Blecch!)
[SC] An “e” on the end. No muss and no fuss.
A nice easy way to make “use” out of “us”.
[RM, SC] It’s absolutely simple, my friend.
A “cut” can be “cute” with an “e” on the end.
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